
Current Head Chef for a flat of four, Computer Science student 12620838_10153923856829752_1863058545_o.jpgand baker.

Current Pot-Washer for a flat of four, Biomedical Science student and gym coach.

One day, the Pot-Washer was sad because in the coming year, the Head Chef would be moving out, and she was worried about what she would eat.

She said to the Head Chef, ‘What will I do about food next year? Where will I get my ideas from?’.

The Head Chef then turned back ‘That’s not my problem. Deal with it’.

The Pot-Washer then replied ‘Can you post what you make online this year and the next, so I can follow?’

‘No.’ was the reply.

‘Fine. I’ll do it myself.’

And here we are.


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